2022-08-24 08:52:21
为了继续在协助企业方面做得很好,8月19日,市政党委员会副秘书刘伊吉(Liu Yujie)和市长去了富扬(Fuyang)经济和技术发展区,从事现场集中办公室活动”帮助企业解决问题”,面对面地倾听意见,了解他们的要求,并帮助企业解决了实际问题。困难和问题。副市长Yu Jianbin和市政政府Sun Cunkun的秘书长参加了会议。
“ Wensheng Bio近年来发展强劲,并正在推进上市过程。我希望政府能够支持它。 。”我们的公司总部位于上海,我们希望在不久的将来搬到富阳,以建立一个示范基地,以每年产量为1000万件的服装工业化。我们希望在土地使用和政策方面提供支持。“我们将与现场的负责任的同志讨论和研究解决方案。我们不仅将根据现行法律解决企业提出的具体问题和法规,但也从长期的角度解决了相关企业的相同类型的问题,并鼓励企业进一步增强信心,并在创新的发展,转型和升级方面变得更大,更强大。
Liu Yujie指出,稳定企业是稳定经济的重要支持。整个市政政府制度必须认真地实施“一项变更和两项行动”的省和市政会议的精神,始终将企业的业务视为自己的业务,并开展“帮助企业解决问题”的活动。定期根据市政党委员会和市政政府的部署。 ,有责任帮助企业解决问题。有必要专注于解决问题,坚持基于列表的和闭环管理,并以“心对心”的态度,“立即执行此操作”以及的力量来解决公司需求“马上做”,以确保一切都回荡并且一切都解决。 .有必要专注于良好的环境,密切关注实施一套救济政策,以帮助企业,并加强基准测试和改进措施,以创造出色的商业环境,以便真正允许企业投资和发展安心。集中In the long run, systematically sort out the problems reported by enterprises and put forward suggestions, and promote the transformation from "solving one problem" to "solving a class of problems" with reform and innovative methods and ideas of system integration.
After the event, Liu Yujie went to Fuyang Sanhuan Electric Power Engineering Group Co., Ltd. to inspect and understand the situation of the companys planned technological transformation project. He discussed the project land use issue on the spot, and asked Fuyang Economic and Technological Development Zone to help the enterprise accelerate the technological transformation project. Preliminary work, and strive to start construction in October, completed and put into operation by the end of next year. Xinan Evening News, Anhui Net, Dawan News, according to the Fuyang City Intermediate Peoples Court on July 4, on June 29, the Funan County Peoples Court held a public hearing and sentenced the defendant Liu to illegally absorb public deposits. Defendant Liu was sentenced to three years and two months in prison and fined 100,000 yuan. The defendant Liu and the individuals involved in the case were also ordered to return the funds to the fund-raising participants according to the proportion of the unreturned principal.
The scene of the court trial
After the trial, it was found out: at the end of 2012 and early 2013, Zeng Moumou (sentenced) and others decided to issue a Huashang card in the name of Huangshan B Company, a subsidiary of Huangshan A Company, to raise funds, and set up The transportation management (service) center and the settlement center have since established more than 50 branches across the country. On March 18, the defendant Liu Mou registered and established the Fuyang Branch of Huangshan B Company. During the continuous operation of the company, the defendant Liu followed the operation and sales philosophy of the head office, used the slogan of “tourism, health, pension” as the propaganda and promotion slogan, and made public and extensive publicity by organizing promotion meetings, visiting, distributing leaflets, etc., and agreed to purchase The cardholder enjoys a discount rate when consuming, returns the balance when the card is returned at maturity, and pays interest ranging from 12-16 of the recharge amount, and signs a Chinese business card sales contract with unspecified social objects to absorb funds. After that, the branch will carry over the funds absorbed by the sales of Huashang cards to the settlement center every month, and the settlement center will calculate the business commission in proportion to the sales of the branch.至案发时,被告人刘某及涉案个人已直接从80余人中吸收了1078万元,其余1万元尚未归还。
法院认为:被告刘非法吸收了公共存款,破坏了财务秩序,金额巨大。他的行为构成了非法吸收公共存款的罪行,他应根据法律承担刑事责任。上述判决是根据被告刘对其犯罪的真实供认以及他自愿承认在法庭上的罪恶和惩罚的判决。刘的被告表示服从法庭上的判决,没有上诉。 (福阳中级人民法院的照片)
由Xu Dapeng编辑
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