2022-07-08 09:02:00
1、商户资质:银河(天津)企业服务集团是天津本土从事工商登记、各类困难企业注册、代理记账、各类资质的企业。部门配合顺利。并取得主管部门颁发的代理记账业务许可证。我们是群星中的星辰,河边的江湖,银河的财税,我们相信,我们公司的存在,一定会给贵公司的财务带来温暖!二、其他业务介绍: 1、工商登记:各类新企业登记、个体工商户、个体工商户、合伙企业登记:代理记账、税务服务、审计服务、账务清算 4、股权法律服务:创业股权设置与指导、相关法律合同。工商例外解除、社保、商标等服务 8、提供节税服务:注册审批个人工作室、个人资本企业、并为天津当地公园提供退税服务。 9、申请各种疑难牌照,解决各种税务问题,提供超级注册办事处,提供生产加工注册地址。公司承诺:我们遵循“诚实守信”的服务宗旨,使我公司在客户中有良好的信誉,在社会上有良好的信誉。我们愿广交各界朋友,我们将坚守我们的服务宗旨。服务好新老客户。我们永远是成功企业家的助手和朋友。三、优惠活动介绍: 为答谢广大客户的厚爱,公司特推出以下优惠活动: 1.一年签约代理记账服务,注册公司免费代办服务 2.两年签约代理记账服务、代理记账服务半年服务 3、签约代理记账服务费达到1000元/月,赠送商标注册分类服务 我司服务优势让您满意,是我们的宗旨,诚信的价格,无其他隐藏收费,业务办理过程全程指导,我们有团队服务,省钱省时省心,找事的人,不懂税务工商登记容易走弯路。您负责企业规划,我们负责让您的企业税务好顺佳。我们将根据企业实际经营情况,结合相关行业税收政策,为客户提供不走弯路的业务代理方案,提供代理记账服务。详情请来电咨询!解决各类税务疑难问题,实现“一对一财税咨询服务”和“园区专属融资咨询服务,解决各类税务疑难问题。代理全程无需法律工商登记、公司登记、代理记账、教育培训、劳务派遣、人力资源营业执照、医疗器械营业执照、食品营业执照、社保公积金缴纳等相关业务的出面人。实现“一对一财税咨询服务”和“园区六新四区专属融资咨询服务”区、保税区、滨海新区等天津河北区注册咨询公司服务范围:南开区:八里台、鼓楼、古文化街、广开街、花园、黄河路、嘉陵路、密云路、南开周边、南开二马路、荣业街、兴南街、向阳路、学府街、长虹街、梅江南、桃园街、天塔、土城、下洼坊、小海地、友谊路、越秀路、河东区:春华街、常州路、东新街、大王庄、大直谷、大桥路、濠桥、富民路2号、河东周边、庐山路、上杭路、塘口、向阳大厦、张贵庄路、中山门和平区:泉业场、小白楼、滨江路、南市、和平周边区:广府河北宏顺里路街道周边建昌路街道靖江路街道江都路街道宁远街道铁东路街道望川场街道望海楼街道新开河街道月牙河街桥区:亭子谷、街道胡同街道周边虹桥、街道街道、菱荡阁街道、双环村街道、宫庄街道、三条石街道、咸阳北路街道、西渔庄街道、西古街道塘u区: Beitang Street, Bohai Oil Street, Dongdagu Street, Daliangzi Street, Dagu Street, Gonggong Village Street, Hangzhou Road Street, Hujiayuan Street, Jiefang Road Street, Sanhuai Road Street, Dongli District: Chitu Town, Chenglin Street, Dabizhuang Town, Carpet Road, Dongli Lake, surrounding areas of Dongli, Fengnian Village Street, Huaming Town, Jintang Road, Junliang City, Jinzhong Street, Jinqiao Street, Xiqing District, Airport Economic Zone: Da Temple, Houtai, Jingwu, Liqizhuang, Qingbowa, Wangwenzhuang, Xinkou, Xiyingmen Street, Beichen District: Beicang, around Beichen, Dazhangzhuang Town, Orchard New Village, Hongguang Farm, Jixianli, Tianjin Jinggong Street, Jiarongli Street, Pudong Street, Qingguang Jinnan District: Xianshuigu, Shuanggang, Balitai, Beizhakou, Gegu, Shuangqiaohe, Xiaozhan, Xinzhuang, Jinnan Development Zone: Binhai 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 4th Street, 5th Street, Kunpeng Street, Sino-Singapore Eco-city, Dagang District around the Development Zone: Gulin Street, Gangxi, Haibin, Shengli Street, Century Avenue, Taiping, Xiaowangzhuang, Yingbin Street, Yingxin Street, Zhongtang Hangu District: Hangu Street, Zhaishang Street, Chadian Street, Yangjiabo Town, Datianhe, Xitianhua Salt Field, Yingcheng Wuqing District: Chagugang Town, Shangmatai Town, Wangqingtuo Town , Xiazhuzhuang Street, Xuguantun Street, Yangcun Street Financial Audit: The financial audit process can be divided into the following steps: audit approval and authorization, audit preparation, preliminary investigation, analytical procedures and compliance testing, substantive testing and detailed review , audit findings and audit recommendations, audit reports, follow-up audits, audit assessments, audit files. Enterprise annual report: The industry and commerce annual report is a publicity system for the enterprise annual report organized by the industry and commerce department. Through the annual report of industry and commerce, the public and partners can understand the operation of the enterprise and ensure the safety of transactions; and through the annual report of industry and commerce, the enterprise can show the strength of the enterprise and the image of honest operation to the outside world, which is conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. Company registration: Let us take Tianjin as an example to introduce the company registration process. 1. Name approval operation: After determining the company type, name, registered capital, shareholders and capital contribution ratio, submit an application for name approval online. 2. Operation of submitting materials: After the verification of the name is approved, the information of the executives and the scope of business will be submitted online for pre-application. After passing the online pre-examination, submit the application materials to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce according to the appointment time. Result: receive到批准设立登记的通知。 3、领证操作:携带批准登记通知书,到工商局领取营业执照原件及复印件。结果是营业执照。 4、其他事项的操作:凭营业执照,到点办理:公司公章、财务章、合同章、法定代表人章、印章。至此,一个已经完成。
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