2022-07-07 10:25:49
记账、注册、各类资质、变更、注销年检、食品经营许可证、预包装食品二、三类医疗器械备案、商标、撤销、转让、注销、补充账簿及余额、异常公司注销登记 异常服务区去 除:全津——全区县全覆盖,全市均可办理。 (24小时咨询服务——各种业务都可以加急办理)。在和平、河东等地设有工商登记服务。河东公司注册、和平公司注册等业务可以为您提供全方位的服务。我们可以办理工商税务,天津各地都可以办理。我们有客服专员全程为您提供一对一的服务,为您节省合理的税费。做过生意的都知道:【选对记账公司,少记账。花钱,省税,省心,不交罚款】服务内容:①公司注册:国内公司注册,免费工商注册,提供注册地址,集团公司注册,香港公司注册,非注册公司注册政府组织。 (免费)企业客户提供:报税、一般纳税人申请、税控审批、预注册找银行、办理银行基本账户)②大额公司注册、验资、开户、提供注册地址,地址要求。满足中小企业注册、变更(增资、减资、股权变更)、企业年检的资金需求和地址需求(含注册地址),并提供大规模注册和注册地址。 ③天津代办记账:一般纳税人及小型企业的月度纳税申报及会计处理。记账、一般纳税人、小企业、纳税申报、账务处理、代理记账 ⑤企业注销清算:工商营业执照注销审批、税务注销、银行基本账户注销、清算审计等 ⑥办理资质审批、专项审批、资质认证。办理商标注册(包括商标设计)、专利注册、各类专项审批。办理进出口许可证、食品卫生经营许可证(保健品等)、餐饮等行业卫生许可证、消防许可证、广播电视节目制作经营许可证(人员可用)、出版物零售许可证、音像制品许可证视觉产品errorerror, Wangchuanchang Street, Wanghailou Street, Xinkaihe Street, Crescent River Street, Hongqiao District: Tingzigu, Jieda Hutong Street, around Hongqiao, Jieyuan Street, Lingdangge Street, Shuanghuan Village Street, Yugongzhuang Street, Santiaoshi Street, Xianyang North Road Street, Xiyuzhuang Street, Xigu Street Tanggu District: Beitang Street, Bohai Oil Street, Dongdagu Street, Daliangzi Street, Dagu Street, Gonggong Village Street, Hangzhou Road Street, Hu Jiayuan Street, Jiefang Road Street, Sanhuai Road Street, Dongli District: Chitu Town, Chenglin Street, Dabizhuang Town, Carpet Road, Dongli Lake, surrounding areas of Dongli, Fengnian Village Street, Huaming Town, Jintang Road, Junliang City, Jinzhong Street, Jinqiao Street, Airport Economic Zone Xiqing District: Dasi, Houtai, Jingwu, Li Qizhuang, Qingbowa, Wangwenzhuang, Xinkou, Xiyingmen Street Beichen District: Beicang, Beichen Surroundings, Dazhangzhuang Town, Orchard New Village, Hongguang Farm, Jixianli, Jinjing Road Street, Jiarongli Street, Pudong Street, Qingguang Jinnan District: Xianshuigu, Shuanggang, Balitai, Beizhakou, Development zones around Gegu, Shuangqiaohe, Xiaozhan, Xinzhuang and Jinnan: Binhai 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 4th Street, 5th Street, Kunpeng Street, Sino-Singapore Eco-city, Dagang District around the development zone: Gulin Street Gangxi, Haibin, Shengli Street, Century Avenue, Taiping, Xiaowangzhuang, Yingbin Street, Yingxin Street, Zhongtang Hangu District: Hangu Street, Zhaishang Street, Chadian Street, Yangjiabo Town, Datian River, Xitianhua Salt Field, Wuqing District, Yingcheng: Chagugang Town, Shangmatai Town, Wangqingtuo Town, Xiazhuzhuang Street, Xuguantun Street, Yangcun Street Financial Audit: The financial audit process can be divided into the following steps: review, approval and authorization, Audit preparation, preliminary investigation, analytical procedures and compliance testing, substantive testing and scrutiny, audit findings and audit recommendations, audit reports, follow-up audits, audit evaluations, audit files. Enterprise annual report: The industry and commerce annual report is a publicity system for the enterprise annual report organized by the industry and commerce department. Through the annual report of industry and commerce, the public and partners can understand the operation of the enterprise and ensure the safety of transactions; and through the annual report of industry and commerce, the enterprise can show the strength of the enterprise and the image of honest operation to the outside world, which is conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. Company registration: Let us take Tianjin as an example to introduce the company registration process. 1. Approval name operation: determine the company type, name, registered capital, shares错误自发。五、企业年度报告 根据《企业信息公示暂行规定》,2019年1月1日至6月30日,企业应当报送上一年度年度报告,包括公司基本情况、主要财务数据和指标,股本变动及股东情况等 注:2019年需要报送年报的公司为:在2018年12月31日前取得营业执照并注册登记的内地企业。工商行政管理规定未公布年报的企业逾期举报的,将被列入经营异常名单,并处以罚款。三年以上未上报年度报告的企业,将被列入严重企业“黑名单”。公司被列入异常名单后,不得变更、注销、转让股份。在对外合作过程中,公众可以随时查看公司的异常情况。同时,对法人和行政人员实行行政限制。公司先后与“恒盛科技园”、“武清双创产业园”、“天津高新区”、“天津自贸区”等数十个经济区和产业园签订战略合作协议,实现“ “一对一财税咨询服务”定制服务!
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